As mentioned, last year there were about 20 sites that were visited. I did three in the Quebec area; I did the presentation in Bagotville, Valcartier, and St-Jean. I've also given that presentation to reserve units in the Quebec district office area of operation. So we're getting out there and we're providing more information.
On the other hand, I remember while I was in uniform nobody was pressing on my chain of command the importance to go to some information briefing that was there. I received one prior to leaving for Bosnia, but my mind was set on the deployment, not really on Veterans Affairs Canada.
I think we're getting better in outreach to the Canadian Forces and making sure that the chain of command in the Canadian Forces is supporting us when it's time to go and give presentations. For the one I gave in Bagotville, everybody from the chain of command was present in the room. That shows that the importance of assisting these briefings and getting that information goes from the top down.
A lot of effort is put forward to make sure that we reach out to the reserve units as well. It was mentioned in the other presentation that it's hard to get to them and to get the information to them, but we're pushing forward on that one because that's one of the weakest aspects that we have.