We're not like the military. We do not have a mandatory final medical before you leave the force. However, most of our members do get their final medicals. Our members have become more educated about what's available out there, and our SRR colleagues, as well as our association, do a very good job of getting the message out, so most of our members do avail themselves of that situation.
However, there's no mandatory final medical. They are provided with all the details. They're told to talk to our financial planners. They have meetings with our staffing people, our HR people if they have to, to have exit interviews, so that does happen through that process. We do offer it to them, but most of the time it's through our retirement courses.
We have retirement courses that go through what you should do in preparation for retirement and we tell people to do it early in their service, so as they're getting closer to the end they are prepared with RRSPs and have done what they have to do to make sure they're taken care of.
As for final medicals, we do not have mandatory ones, but I know the majority of our members do avail themselves of them and do ask to go on final medicals and do go and get them. Just like other Canadians, they go through their doctor and get their medicals there. It's not done through a force doctor.