There are 16,500 retired members, and there are about 4,600 of those who are members of our association. Those 4,600, I would say, have a good chance to reach for information from our executive people. For instance, in the Vancouver division, the Kamloops division, and the Nova Scotia division, they can go to the executive of the veterans there and find out information there.
However, there are a lot of people out there who do not belong to our association. I get phone calls from them. I have a toll-free number in the office, and email. We all know what email is like. I get a lot of inquiries from people who were former members. I never think to ask them if they're a member of the association or not.
I've been ten years in the job and I would say that the knowledge base of Veterans Affairs Canada is not very good. It's not very good overall. I can have people get in touch with me and I have some key people across Canada they can get in touch with. When they deal with these people, we usually have a successful case, because we know what we're doing. It's not because we're any smarter than anybody else. We just know what we're doing, but there are only so many people who can do that.
To echo what I think Abe was saying, what we need is someone in VAC who is also an RCMP member, or maybe a veteran. It could be a secondment sort of thing to help us out. We definitely need VAC people to talk to the people who are leaving to become retired or veterans. They need to be spoken with, especially the people who are ill. There seem to be quite a few these days.