I think part of your question is related to serving members who are now retired. They're getting on in years, and as a result of some of the injuries and abuse their bodies took early in their lives, they are now realizing the negative outcomes. How do we reach out to those people when they're not part of the RCMP retired members association and have little or no knowledge of Veterans Affairs Canada and what services may be available? That's a huge challenge.
I'm sure the nominal role of retired members is available somewhere. Is it available to Mr. Gidley? I'm not sure. Is it available to Veterans Affairs Canada? Is there an outreach program that could be well publicized for these retired members?
Retired members of the Canadian Forces have a better inherent knowledge of Veterans Affairs Canada, whereas our members don't. If transition interviews were mandatory within our organization, they would at least create a go-forward place of knowledge, as opposed to where we are now, with 10,000-odd members retired who may have no knowledge, or minimal knowledge, of what VAC has.