Folks, we're going to get started here today. Thank you for coming.
I would like to start by saying that Mr. Stoffer contacted us and that in deference to him we're putting the business section off to the end, because there's a motion that he wants to deal with. So we'll deal with that at the end of the meeting, particularly as our witnesses have arrived.
As everybody knows, we're continuing with our study on Veterans Affairs' transformation priorities. Today we have with us from the department, Charlotte Stewart. Again, it's nice to see you. We also have Heather Parry and Bernard Butler, who are no strangers to the process. You know the routine. There's 10 minutes for opening statements, however you arrange that. Then we go to questions from the committee, starting with the NDP.
Thank you for coming. If you're ready to go, we'll listen to your presentations.
I should point out that there is no written paper today; this is all verbal today. I suggest to the committee members that you take notes, because there is no reference paper today.