It depends. We have some case managers who are more skilled and more experienced. They might not need to consult with case management experts on complex issues.
But we can have case managers with less experience. Although they are very good and qualified, they may seek the advice and support of case management experts in the department or even health professionals, depending on the situation.
Once the goals in the case plan are identified, we look at treatment options. It is important to know what resources are available in the community to help the veterans achieve their case plan objectives.
As you said, things are not perfect. We have some very experienced and qualified case managers. Some are more experienced and some are younger. The young ones have less experience and they are learning. Those young people need to have the proper tools and support to be able to hone their skills and keep them up to date. It is a challenge that we are constantly working on. We need the expertise to be able to maintain and upgrade their skills.