I'll just make a comment from my perspective. I'm a new guy here, and so some of this is definitely informative for us. It mostly is informative.
I just talked today to my cousin, who served for 20 years, and asked him what he thought. He said it's been serving him well--specifically him--and he's had no complaints. He's actually a year younger than I am, and he's already been in the service for 20 years. To him it's been a good thing. In our riding, too, we haven't heard any complaints, from my office's perspective, over the last year and a half.
What I'm saying is that we do want to work on behalf of veterans. That's what we're all here for. Whether we're on the opposition side or on the government side, we want what's best for veterans, and that's why we're here today.
Certainly there hasn't been a plethora of examples in my riding, but that doesn't mean that we don't need to fix it and make that knife as sharp as we can make it.
Again, thanks for coming.