Just to recap a little bit on the benefits that we envision for veterans, they will see, as Janice has said, policies that previously they would have had to request from the department, and it would have taken time to send them. They are now able to go online and immediately see them, so if they're with advocates or folks who are helping them, they are able to access them really quickly.
The information you're going to see is going to be displayed clearly in a focused way, and it's very easy for the users to get to an individual information viewpoint. It's an interactive experience. The users identify themselves and move through the information; underneath, it's filtered through so they can get to what counts for them.
Our website attracts almost 3,000 visitors every day, so as for getting the word out, in one way they're coming to us already. That's a very big benefit. We're going to build on that. The announcement on Monday by the minister, parliamentary secretary, and ombudsman was the start of our campaign to push out the word that the benefits browser exists. We look forward to promoting it further, after Veterans Week, with some regional advertising that we will target around CF bases.
I want to mention that protection of privacy was factored in. I know that committee members have heard of our project management approach and how we have privacy assessments as part of our commitment to transformation. That was factored into the planning of this. You'll see that one of the benefits is that at the end of the process, users can actually have information emailed to them, but those emails aren't captured. They're not stored at all. It's a quick email and it's not held, so it's a simple process.
As I mentioned at the beginning, the improvements are very much a result of our work with the ombudsman's office, and we did want to recognize that it's a great partnership and we're really thrilled that we were able to work so closely with them. I think it's a strong tool because of that.
Mr. Chair, we're up for the demo. We'll get to show you what lies beneath.