I can only speak from my experience, and what I've given you is my experience.
I don't know that anybody blatantly comes out and says that they're not going to listen to the Federal Court. I don't think that happens. I think what happens is that people simply don't agree with the decision. People don't agree with our decisions either, and that's fine. The fact of the matter is that it's the culture of the board. I think the culture of the board is simply one of denial right now, for the most part. It's tough to work there if you're going to grant favourably. It is pure and simple.
The non-adversarial part doesn't only happen with the staff. I've also witnessed colleagues saying, “I've read the evidence, and this is how I see it. Now you tell me why I should be persuaded from that view.” Well, that's adversarial.
Through the legislation, we have the ability to make inquiries, to clarify the evidence, but we don't have the right to cross-examine. That's an adversarial process. There are fine lines.