Thank you for your question.
Tens of millions of dollars have been invested in renovating the Ste. Anne Hospital. These renovations were carried out over a number of years and they are almost finished. We are talking about more than $100 million. The amount referred to is a contingency fund for the hospital's renovations. This is a residual amount.
To give you an update on the transfer agreement, I can tell you that it was signed by the Minister of Health last spring, if I'm not mistaken. The process is underway and the negotiator is continuing talks with the Government of Quebec. I think this is a win-win situation. This is good news for our veterans. We are committed to maintaining service to our veterans in both official languages. This is also good for the Government of Quebec because it will eventually be able to use certain floors of this building. As you know, beds are becoming available. It will now be possible to offer these floors to the community. This is a modern and newly renovated facility that will be available to the Government of Quebec.