The Doha fire was investigated very thoroughly by the Americans. It was their fire and it was their DU weapons and they had many more troops there. They did a very comprehensive review. I read that report three or four times. What they determined based on their live fire and all of these previous studies, the aerosolization studies as they call them, on how depleted uranium forms small particles and how they get into the air.... This is an aerosolization study. That formed the basis of their investigation and it was they who concluded that the level of exposure to the Canadian soldiers was x. It was not just the Canadian soldiers, it was anyone who may have been downwind of that plume. That level, to put it in perspective, was less than one millisievert.
One millisievert is the level that is considered to be absolutely safe and tolerable by the entire population of the world. That's the World Health Organization, ICRP, all of these organizations that have nothing to do but to make sure that they set proper levels for radiation with respect to the health of the populations. So it's less than one.