I produced comments in the form of suggested changes. I have here all the suggested changes that I made. As I said, some of them were picked up, some of them weren't. That's fair enough. Some of them were a little bit to one side. But on things like depleted uranium, it's not an absolute thing where you can be pedantic. You get a graph or a table, and it says “Isotopic Comparison of Natural and Depleted Uranium”. I just put “U.S. sourced” in. It wasn't picked up; it wasn't necessary. But those are the sorts of things I was suggesting.
That's how I did it. I went through the document making changes within the document in MSWord and highlighting where I made changes and then sent them back to Pierre and the committee to either accept or reject. I guess they did that for each of the reviewers, and some comments they accepted and others they thought didn't add very much, and so they left them out.