Sir, by way of explanation as to how the access centre will work, a veteran will come to our building. He will be greeted at the entrance of the building where he will provide his name and, if he wishes, his file number and the nature of his inquiry. An employee will then be paged to come to meet the veteran. That employee, who will be a generalist with experience in a wide variety of services and benefits available to veterans, will then sit with that veteran, face-to-face, and deal with what his wishes or needs might be. If indeed they are very complex, that employee would ensure the veteran has an immediate bridge to any kind of specialist he may need, be it a case manager or other health professional. If they are of a more general nature, for instance, information on programs and services, it's quite likely the veteran's inquiries will be dealt with right then and there.
The effort is to ensure that those who need very specialized care get it without delay should they have an urgent or emerging need, and that those with more general interest still get the kind of attention that's appropriate. We need to keep in mind that many, many veterans are very well situated; in terms of their personal lives, they are getting along fine, but they still have questions now and then. We want to make that information easily available to them as well as those with complex needs.