Well, certainly I can clarify. You'll know of what's called the Manuge decision, whereby the court made a decision related to a class of recipients who received benefits from the Department of National Defence. The government made a decision to go beyond the court order and apply the spirit and intent of the court decision to those programs that we offer from Veterans Affairs. What we have therefore done, consistent with that decision, is ceased the deduction of disability benefits from two programs, earnings loss and Canadian Forces income supplement, these being programs offered by Veterans Affairs. As the minister was noting, he's also pursuing legislative change to allow him to cease those same offsets as they relate to the War Veterans Allowance Act.
You will see in the main estimates a net increase of $70 million, but in fact there is an $85-million increase offset by a $15-million decrease elsewhere, and that $85 million relates in part to the cessation of offsets in the earnings loss program.