I thank you for the question.
I hope I will be able to get a second question from you. I will try to make the answer as short as I can.
I have to specify that these are new competitions for three existing positions. As you know, when I was appointed to my position, the director of communications was based in Ottawa. As you can see, that position is now based in Charlottetown. The first competition has been held. Unfortunately, there were no candidates. That is why we are launching a second competition. It is open to all Canadians and anyone from Prince Edward Island. I would very much like to fill those three positions in Charlottetown, and I am confident I will be able to do so.
As you said—and this bears repeating—Charlottetown is the flagship of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Canadian government. This is the only department located in one of the country's regions. I think you can rightly be proud of that. I am very aware of the benefits to regional economies stemming from the Veterans Affairs office in Charlottetown.
I will now answer your second question about the access centre. I feel that, when more than 1,000 employees are dedicated to services for veterans, it is only natural for those Charlottetown veterans to have direct access to the headquarters, or the central agency.