To sum up, you were in good health, you were an athlete and you joined the army. There is probably a mix of all sorts of things. You left the army specifically because you were no longer in good health. You have sent applications to Veterans Affairs Canada. From what I gather, you felt misunderstood and it took weeks and months before you got some help, very little help.
Then, given all those applications, you no longer believed in the help provided. I also know, but you can confirm it, that the veterans health advisory committee was created because Minister Blaney made a promise to you following your hunger strike. You went on the hunger strike because you have asked to meet with the minister a number of times, but he refused. You said that you did not want to take more extreme measures.
Yet you went to those lengths because you wanted the government to promise that it would take care of veterans health. You are still asking for the same thing now. It does not matter much that there are tests, tools, diagnoses, appropriate care or that the veterans have the benefit of the doubt for their service, when it is not really clear and when it may be unlikely that…