I have already replied favourably to the second conclusion.
I do not agree with the third conclusion, which reads:
3. It is unlikely that Canadian soldiers have been exposed to levels of depleted uranium which could be harmful to their health.
The fourth conclusion says this:
4. There is no consistent evidence from the military cohort studies of adverse health effects that could be attributed to depleted uranium.
That is just denial. I do not understand how American, Canadian and British soldiers can be in the field and we are protected from the adverse effects because we wear a Canadian uniform. I do not believe that.
Please understand that Italy has recognized the problem and is taking care of its veterans who are contaminated with uranium. Why do the Italians have the right to be ill and we do not have that right, even though we were working in exactly the same place? Was something special going to happen so that we would not get contaminated just because we are Canadian? No, that is absurd. With everything that is going on in the world, that's absurd.