Mr. Chair, that's a very good point. We have the memorandums of understanding with first nations and with the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, so we can get the word out regarding all of these changes that are coming.
Communication is a serious obstacle. It was mentioned by Mr. Butler this morning. I am certainly hopeful that since we are dealing with each of our provincial directors, the word will get out to our veterans and others.
I have a serious case right now of a Korean veteran who passed away last year. I think his spouse certainly fits into the new portion of this. I don't know if he was collecting that pension, but I know he was collecting a disability pension, so there might have been a clawback on that. That's something we're certainly going to look at.
There is the ability for communication among first nations, the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, and our own organizations through our provincial directors. That word is going to get out. Maybe that 3,000 will increase in numbers. I don't know.