Thank you very much.
There is no question that Korean progress is unbelievable. I can remember going to Korea in 1950-51 and most Koreans lived in little shacks with straw roofs or in mud huts. As a matter of fact, when we helped retake Seoul in about February 1951, it was quite unbelievable. There was only one bridge across the Han River at that time, and I think there are now 37. The progress is unbelievable and it really makes you think.
For example, my grandson went back—I didn't select him to go back, he was selected by a committee—and he even spent six days walking along the DMZ with the Korean army. It was quite interesting. When he got home to Canada he called me and said, “Grandpa, you know what? Seoul is a more modern city than Toronto.” He had lived in Toronto for a while, but there is no questioning the change.
For example, when we helped retake Seoul, because of casualties and people leaving, the population was 10,000. Today the population of greater Seoul, like greater Vancouver, is 20 million. As I kidded the Koreans, I said, “You're pretty good at one thing”.