Thank you.
I'm Judy Daniel, first assistant secretary, health and community services division. In the Australian context we are probably the largest single purchaser of health services in Australia. We purchase the full range of health services for our veteran and war-widowed clients from the mainstream health system.
There's one exception to that. In Australia we have a counselling service that is run separately but as part of the department, the veterans counselling service. We have contracts with a wide range of providers and also with state and territorial governments in Australia that are responsible for delivery of parts of the health care.
For the significant areas of medical and pharmaceutical services, our purchasing arrangements shadow the systems and medicare arrangements that exist for the whole of the Australian population. But in other areas, such as community nursing, home care, aids and appliances, and transport, we contract with providers.
The other area of the department's activity that is in my division is our research program, where we work very closely with our partners through the SIF arrangements. Within the research area we're currently looking at some strategic refocusing of our research program.
I'll stop there, but I'll be happy to answer further questions.