Thank you for the question about the funding for the program and its ability to expand into Quebec.
You are correct. We started with funding from the Royal Canadian Legion in B.C., and then we expanded nationally with help from the Dominion Command of the Royal Canadian Legion, represented here today, with $500,000 that coincided with the federal government's funding. From that, Wounded Warriors and True Patriot Love have also sponsored the funding for our programming, capturing that percentage of veterans who fall through the gaps between their services and DND and VAC.
I'm excited to say today that True Patriot Love gave us an extra $50,000 last year to build our clinical capacity in French so we could deliver our programs in Quebec completely in French. We plan to run two training programs in Quebec this year. Provided the outcome is positive, that the clinicians are able to meet our high threshold of quality, they will be delivering programs by the end of the year in Quebec in French.
I'd also like to say that we will be training women clinicians at that time to deliver this program, to run an all-women's program, because we do gender specific counselling.