The lump sum payment, if it was purely for pain and suffering alone and deemed to be that, as I mentioned earlier, I'm still a proponent. When somebody is injured in service to this country, the country's obligation to them does not end. Where does it end? If you're trying to say that we're going to....
You see, there's a problem with the lump sum. You have two people, one of them is 25, and the other person is 55. You establish that both of them are at 40% disability and you're going to award them x as a lump sum. The lump sum is derived through an insurance company formulation. Where are the mortality statistics? Why are those statistics not made public? When the lump sum was originally dreamt up there was a mortality table. Every insurance company uses those numbers to derive benefits and payouts, so where is the number? The only way you can arrive at statistically smaller numbers for lump sum payouts on a disability chart is to have a decreased mortality. What that implies is that whoever developed that chart is banking on our veterans checking out early.
It's not nice, is it?