First, what we provided you with here is something that we drafted up for our members. This is what we sent out to our members through Legion Magazine to make sure they were educated about what was involved with the new Veterans Charter, because we saw too many times that people did not understand what the charter was. We wanted our members to understand.
This material's dated. I mean, chapter 1 is way back when, when we first started the game here, and it hasn't been updated since then.
In the issue of a review type of process, I agree that it's probably not the committee that has to conduct that review. It certainly has to be a consultation process with the department, probably with the involvement of both DND and VAC with representatives from groups, from the medical authorities, and all the specialists that are treating and using people these day. They need to come together, as used to happen with the New Veterans Charter Advisory Group. That put forward a lot of those recommendations that are there now. If you have that type of a consultation process, review process, continually ongoing, then—