May I sum up a whole bunch of things? They are communications, outreach, and accessibility. If we can tackle those three issues, then we can tackle the other problems we have with the new Veterans Charter.
When you're talking about what kind of outreach we do for families, I'll get to that, but first off and so that you know, we have sent a letter to every reserve unit across this country informing them of what services are available from the Royal Canadian Legion as far as benevolence and benefits are concerned. We've offered them a briefing on what we can do for them and we're reaching out to all those people to make sure they understand what the system is.
We're also going to all of the SCAN seminars that we can, to make sure that those people retiring, either medically or as regular retirement from the Canadian forces, are aware of what some of the benefits that they have are.
As an example of what we provide to families, in Edmonton, and maybe Mr. Hawn will know this, but through the Military Family Resource Centre at the base in Edmonton, the Royal Canadian Legion sponsored a program that was called children of parents with trauma. It is the family that's important here. We've raised that issue a couple of times. They're the ones who are staying home. They're the ones suffering when the individual comes home because the individual is suffering. In many cases it's the family member who actually brings the member forward to get the assistance because they've had enough of living through the problems that are being created in the home because somebody is suffering from an OSI or has a physical injury.
Through the programs that we're starting up we're sponsoring as much as we can in the military family resource systems, so they understand what the information is that's available for them. This program was trialed up in Edmonton at the base and is now in Gagetown as well. We're opening up the doors so we can actually assist families and see what they need.
As well, we have access to our poppy funds. Our poppy funds are accessible for serving members and their families to make sure they get the assistance they need. Of course, they go through the process of due diligence to make sure that the requirement is there and we can assist families in their time of need.
Those are some of the things that we have on the books right now.