I believe that the Legion has hit the nail on the head. Communications is the one, and indeed, dealing directly with the spouse of that veteran and dealing with the dependants, because that's where it's missing right now, whether it's because of staff within DVA, the lessening of members. They do a good job, but if they're overloaded. We can't blame the staff within the district offices or regional offices, or whatever. Again, if they're overloaded, they can't do their job, and the veteran will suffer.
As for dealing directly with the veteran, whether it's out in the boondocks or in a city, it has to be corrected, and corrected immediately. We have a tendency to deal with the higher part and we often forget about the grassroots. It's the makeup of us.
It appears to me that now the department has not totally...but if you read the recent Legion Magazine, which I highly respect, I think it says that the veterans are poorly served. This is an attendant document, and when you see 40% of veterans being poorly served, that is scary. I hope that the minister has a copy of this on his desk, and every member of Parliament. They should read it before they go to bed and read it when they get up. When I read it, I couldn't sleep all night because it's scary.
Our veterans are very important.
Thank you.