Oh, we certainly don't see it as a negative thing. It's a step in the right direction.
But you have to realize what happens particularly when a veteran is being released who had planned on a long career. Because of their service or something that happens, now they're medically released. They're not exactly thrilled with the employment of the Government of Canada, and then the transition plan of the Government of Canada in these announcements.
I mean, it's all well and good, and it's well intentioned, I think, to want to employ them and get them well employed. But you're going to ask them to come back and be employed with the Government of Canada, who they've already had a little bit of a problem with.
Even on the skills transition, take a 23-year-old infantryman who's trained to drive a LAV and shoot a machine gun. Even when you have those skills transitions, early identification is important. Then it's getting the skills necessary to transform and to transition into a job that has meaning for them. You can talk about the front of the line, and the hiring, and those kinds of things, but they won't be hired if they don't have the skills.