I would like to welcome all the witnesses and thank them for coming here.
To all the veterans who are present, as usual, thank you for your service.
Before I ask my question, I have a general comment just continuing on from what Mr. Hayes said.
Mr. Cundell, I understand your strong views. However, I chose to be on this committee. I wasn't assigned the committee. The reason I chose it is this. I wasn't born in this country. I grew up in Poland. My grandfather fought in the First World War. I remember him; he was missing his right arm. I had a lot of relatives who fought in the Second World War. I grew up in an environment that respected veterans, and I think that continues here.
We conducted a study of the charter. That was ordered by the minister, or the minister asked us to review the charter.
I understand your opinions. You have very strong opinions. But you are one of the voices. We had witnesses here, and they don't necessary have exactly the same opinion as yours.
As well, before the summer last year we did conduct a study to compare the benefits of veterans in different countries. I can tell you, and probably you know this, that we are doing pretty good. Of course we can and we should improve. Therefore, on the charter I think there's a way to improve it, but I don't think anybody's opinion should be taken at face value and implemented right away. That's why we're having the discussion and the meetings. This will be reported to the cabinet in good faith.
And you know, you talk about respect; I'm old enough to say that it works both ways. It always works both ways.
As for the website, you know very well that on any forum where people don't have to provide their names, the things they write can sometimes be just so disrespectful. It's only because they don't have to provide their names, or they would probably never write those comments.
Sometimes people write very good negative comments, just to get a change, but to write something that is absolutely out of this world.... Sometimes people use this and abuse the privilege of the fact that they don't have to give their names.
That's my general comment.