Well, you would have both, because when you leave.... I went through the medical release process. You're basically dumped out the door. This would actually stop that process from happening. So for the military person, right now you get a military case manager who looks after you medically. I'm sure you've all heard the whole thing about the military case manager. The military case manager has your file sitting there. What happens now when you're released? You're transferred to Veterans Affairs down the street.
I could use an example that I know of. It's in Trenton, Ontario. They moved the veterans office twice on the base, at a cost to the Trillium fund instead of Veterans Affairs, and now they've moved it to downtown Trenton. All the veterans in the area were used to going to the base. Their friends are on the base. They know the base. In answer to your question, they're used to going in and seeing.... If you were to do what we're asking, in one week you would be talking to the military sergeant who is your case manager or whatever, and then he would basically take the file...and now you're talking to Susan, who is your civilian counterpart in Veterans Affairs.
You would no longer need to have two heads of departments. You would no longer have to wait the 16 weeks for that file to fly everywhere that it's going to go to, which is Tunney's Pasture, by the way, because I did run medical records for three years, with 550,000 files, so I know where the records go, and that's where they sit. You would eliminate that for the short term.