Thank you, Mr. Chair.
General, it was really nice chatting with you earlier, before the meeting. I expect strongly that your path and my Dad's have crossed somewhere along the way. I hope we have a chance to share that history a little bit more.
I want to bring one quote out of the subcommittee's report; it was good. It says, “Overall we found that...Veterans Affairs Canada and Veterans Charter serve the majority of...Canadian Forces personnel and veterans well.” It is important that this not be lost as we undertake the study.
I want to pick up a little bit where Mr. Chicoine started, with reference to the absence of a clear, universally agreed social contract between the people of Canada represented by their government, obviously, on one hand, and Canadian Forces members and veterans on the other hand. I believe you mentioned, in terms of the process for such a social contract, that you thought it is something that should be perhaps negotiated, but ultimately should probably go through the House.
I want to get a sense of the process by which that would develop. Who would we include in that development? Maybe you can elaborate a bit.
Obviously, this wasn't included in the Veterans Charter in 2005, so I guess the question is why it wasn't included then. What role do you see this committee playing in the development of the new social contract? I think we're all committed to it.
Thank you, sir.