No, that's okay. I've just got six minutes and I'm trying to get more questions in.
My only point was, no system is perfect. The Pension Act had complaints too, which generated these changes. This one isn't perfect, obviously, and that's why we're here.
There are a host of benefits and services under the Veterans Charter. But from my point of view the real difficulty is access, burden of proof, and communications. Access and burden of proof, meaning we just make guys and gals jump through too many hoops to get what's there. Burden of proof means that we set the bar too high for what's reasonable to get the thing going. And comms, meaning difficulty in communicating information from DND to VAC, when a member becomes a client of VAC.
This is kind of a general statement, but if we could deal with those issues of access and communications, how far would that go to solving a problem? I know there are levels, numbers, that we do need to change, but it seems to me that would go an awfully long way to solving a big part of the problem.