Not really. I should say that initially, after she was out of service for a few years, things were quite good. She was engaged with a home business. She ran a day care in the neighbourhood and took care of other children. But after a while that in itself became quite a stressful situation. She said that running a day care was worse than any duty she'd ever been given in the military.
That said, after she finished that, she said she couldn't do it anymore, that she was tired of changing diapers and running the little gaffers around the house, there was a period from that point—and I want to say it was probably four years from that point to where we ended up last Christmas—in which there would be relapses, if you will, in the positive sense. She would be on a slide, things would get a little better, a little beacon of hope, words of encouragement. She did a lot of volunteering. She'd go out and work at food banks and churches and things just to try to keep engaged and keep active. But whatever that problem was, it just kept coming back.
I have to say as a spouse—and anyone else in the room who has experienced something like this—you feel helpless. I didn't know what to say. I could try to encourage. I could say let's go see the doctor, let's get help. But at the end of the day, you're just left...not knowing. It's a difficult situation.