Thank you, Minister Fantino and Ms. Chaput, for coming before the committee today.
Minister, you mentioned recession in your speech. This is merely an opinion on my part, and I hope you share it.
You know that there are many groups within Canada that are somewhat recession-proof. We know of those professions and groups. If there is any group that is more worthy of being recession-proof, if there's any greater expression of our social covenant, our sacred contract and obligation with our veterans, I would hope that you would agree that our veterans should not suffer. Their benefits should not be reduced by this government by reason of recession.
Having said that, I know you didn't come here expecting to receive softballs from the opposition. I've heard a concern expressed by many Canadians generally and specifically from veterans about advertising. I see from your operating budget there's now a $4 million increase, in fact a brand new expenditure for advertising initiatives.
I'm wondering how much of the multi-million dollar ad buy currently running throughout the NHL playoffs is funded through that item? Can you or Ms. Chaput tell me that?