I did not say that this was a waste of money, but rather that the number of commemoration days was being increased.
Regardless, I would like to move on to another topic, which has to do with the way veterans are honoured.
As I said, those acts of remembrance are important. I agree with that. However, I think that providing veterans with the benefits they are entitled to is the best way to compensate them for the sacrifice they have made for their country.
This brings me to the Equitas Society. I read this week in the Hill Times that this organization was prepared to drop its case if the New Veterans Charter was significantly improved. As I was saying, the honouring of those individuals could be a bit more meaningful if they were provided with more adequate compensation, if they were treated better and if all the shortcomings were remedied under this new charter. Would you be prepared to work with the Equitas Society to enhance this new charter?
We have almost completed our study and will soon submit a report. Are you prepared to improve the new charter or will you rather let this case go to civilian courts?