Certainly. I've been on battlefield tours before where we've had Canadian Forces members from the staff college over in Europe doing a battlefield tour. During that tour, we actually had a Canadian tank commander and a German tank commander, who we believe may have faced off on the same battlefield. They both talked about their experiences there. So, we know....
Those guys were wartime veterans who had fought on opposite sides. To me, if they can come together in that kind of a scenario and shake hands and say, “Hey, I remember fighting against you, but guess what? Today we are allies. We are at peace with each other.” I think it's a great thing that we can celebrate with the other contingents.
I don't like the Germans for one reason. They are accommodated next to us. They drink more, and are louder than anybody I've ever seen, which cuts into our sleep time, and they're a little bit more liberal in their dress as they approach the showers as well. Some of our female members were quite taken aback when they happened to see a half-naked German walking up.
But all that to say that I'm a fan of it because, again, it does represent the realities of today. I didn't get to experience it as you have, so I can't really speak from your perspective.