Mr. Chairman, thank you for that question. I will say that at the present time as we look at the management of our patients and the complexity of their care, the way that we try to address the challenges they face with finding care in the civilian health sector is via the option of trying to extend the transition period. We try to maintain the patients within the Canadian Armed Forces for a period of time that will allow us to identify the care that may be accessed in the civilian health care sector. We have not taken into consideration engaging with the veterans once they have left the Canadian Armed Forces, but we have put in place a means to be able to extend the transition period to give us the best possibility of finding civilian health care providers.
I can tell you that I did confirm with our case managers that your point about finding primary care providers is probably their biggest challenge, and they work very hard to try to achieve that. They work in conjunction with the Veterans Affairs case managers to identify those care providers in the civilian sector.