Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, all of you, for coming here this morning.
Before I ask the question, I have two comments or pieces of information.
Concerning the Honour House he mentioned, in the last travel this committee undertook, almost two years ago, to Washington, D.C..... There are 64 or 66 of what are called call Fisher Houses in the U.S., which are built next to military hospitals across the country and serve the same role. We visited one in Washington, D.C. It's a beautiful place. The way they are financed is that Fisher House became Fisher House Foundation, and that's how they finance this network of houses.
To speak to Mr. Valeriote's comment about why these organizations have to fill the gaps and the idea that everything should be done by government, we also travelled to operational stress injury clinics, places that house homeless veterans. They have a very important and valuable role to play. Some of their veterans don't feel comfortable speaking to bureaucrats, speaking to people in Veterans Affairs; they would rather speak to their peers. That's why it's so valuable and important that we support those groups, which do such wonderful work for our veterans.
But going back to our topic, just for clarification, you are with; is that correct?