Welcome to the 41st meeting of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs.
As a preamble, I would like to explain what we are doing.
When a Canadian Forces member leaves the army, the responsibility for them is transferred from the Department of National Defence to other stakeholders, such as Veterans Affairs Canada and the Service Income Security Insurance Plan. The large number of existing programs can make the transition process seem complex to military personnel, veterans and the general public, and lead to misunderstandings.
By studying the suite of services provided, the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs wishes to clearly identify the key steps of the process and the programs available to military personnel, veterans and their families at each step, as well as the respective responsibilities of the parties involved. We hope this study will improve the understanding of the transition to civilian life.
This morning we have very distinguished guests. First I need to declare a potential conflict of interest. We have the Royal Canadian Legion. I've been a member of the Legion for more than 10 years. I've been a member of the friendliest Legion in the region, Branch 632.
By the way, volunteers are going to serve breakfast there in Orleans next Saturday. I think it's the last breakfast of the season. You're all invited.
We also have
the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research.
We're also expecting the Caregivers' Brigade.
This morning's meeting will be shorter than had been planned. At the request of the opposition, we will suspend at 9:45. There will be statements in the House by the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, and the leader of the third party. But for the purposes of our study, I would ask members to allow our witnesses to all make their opening statements, so that they are on the record.
Whatever time is left, I am going to try to sort out in a fair manner the distribution of time among the three parties that are here for oral questions. If you find that you have questions you did not have an opportunity to put orally, send written questions to the clerk. He will forward them to the witnesses and we will have an exchange of written questions and replies that will also be part of the official record.
I hope that's all understood.
I'd like to first welcome Steven Clark, my servant.