The other thing I would say, too, is that especially when you're dealing with ill and injured veterans, the same thing doesn't work for every person. When we think about the different charities that we fund in the mental health space, last year we funded Paws Fur Thought, which is an organization that provides service dogs for veterans who are dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. That's going to work for some veterans, and it works very well for them. It doesn't work well for everybody, so we'll find an Outward Bound program that works really well for people. There's a program of art therapy that we're not funding, but that's being funded out west.
I think it's important to recognize that—you're right—it perhaps may seem like there's some overlap with some of these, but when you're often dealing with mental health issues, you can't just provide a cookie-cutter solution and assume it's going to work for everybody.