Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you for appearing before the committee and for all the work that you are doing. I have seen it and it is very much appreciated.
You mentioned an ethos that exists in the military culture. I think in the States they call it “sanctuary syndrome”. You are looked after. Everything is covered, and all of a sudden you are out there on your own. I think in large part that contributes to the severity of the PTSD that may be suffered. I am speaking particularly of the families. You talked about the families in transition. You have heard conversation around this table about better engaging spouses. I am wondering if you can comment on the inadequacy of our response to those needs and what more can be done to engage spouses.
You know Jenifer Migneault has been active in encouraging training of family members to deal with PTSD to relieve VAC, doctors, and others from that responsibility. Can you comment on that? What might be done by the government even in supporting the NGOs, such as Wounded Warriors and others, that are trying to do this so that they can contract it out in some cases?