I commend my colleague Mr. Harris for wanting to put extra respect and extra significance into Remembrance Day. I think that's what we all want.
My concern is that I don't think that's going to be the net effect of passing this bill. My friend Mr. Valeriote has just said that we want to give it equal status with Canada Day and Victoria Day, but clearly we're not giving it equal status, because those are stat holidays and we can't give this stat holiday status, so it can't be equal in status.
My concern is that we have to legislate for Canadians. I would think that 1% of Canadians, probably not even that many, would know the difference between Remembrance Day as a holiday and Remembrance Day as a legal holiday. I didn't know that difference, and it would make absolutely no difference to me if I had. I celebrate Remembrance Day because from my heart I honour those who have served our country and sacrificed for our country. We're not all fortunate enough to have a smart analyst at our elbow to give us this fine legal distinction, which actually isn't any distinction at all.
If we pass a bill that provides an expectation that somehow we're elevating this day when actually it doesn't elevate this day, I don't think that's good legislating.