Many thanks for those comments on that. That's very helpful, for sure.
I would say two things. First, I would assure you that we're actually very delighted to be in the positions we're in, because we have a very important cause to advance in supporting Canada's veterans, and quite frankly, it's actually quite enjoyable and a privilege. Second, I would say that if you go back to the minister's comments when he was at ACVA a few weeks ago, the department is actually involved in a very interesting direction now. The minister at the time spoke of three critical areas that this department is focused on. One is achieving service excellence. One is achieving basically a resetting of our approach to veterans, which is trying to make everything we do more veteran-centric. The other is trying to fix this transition, the seam between the Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs.
Part of what we hope to achieve through that exercise is actually going to the very issues you're raising, which is to ensure we approach it from the veterans' point of view and not from a program point of view, and that we deliver it in such a way that the veterans themselves are going to feel they're getting the support when they need it and where they need it. It's actually a very exciting time for us.
We thank you for your comments.