I guess I'll answer the question this way. I think of the comments of the gentleman who appeared here for the legion, who answered on essentially the same point. If the items placed in front of us today in this bill are going to be enacted and then followed up by a wait-and-see period, then that's not good enough. If the items placed in front of us today are going to be followed up with immediate research into the things that have been presented to you today by us and the preceding ladies and gentlemen you've heard from, well then we're at a good starting point. It's very difficult for me to predict down the road what the appropriate dollar figures are going to be. I guess I have to leave my comments at that.
I would like the committee and the department itself to find out if everything presented here is fact. Leave here today and get to work right away on the improvements to the bill and the improvements to the numbers that have been discussed. But if we leave here today saying, “Okay, this is okay and we're going to wait and see what it's going to be like in a couple of years”, then I suggest it's not enough.
I hope that answers the question.