Let's say that I can dream about it.
It would be a centre, a physical centre, to which families could come, and couples. It would be accessible to everybody. We need respite. But you know, the social....
I'm going to switch to French, if you don't mind. It's easier for me.
Just getting out of the house is a challenge. We don't have any friends left. We don't see family. Nothing. We don't have any money to go out.
It would be wonderful to have a centre or a Wounded Warriors in a physical location, somewhere where injured soldiers could have access to all the activities and be amongst themselves. The spouses, on their end, also network. Workshops could be given from time to time; that would make a huge difference.
We can't simply rest, because when we go back home, we have to deal with the same problems. That's why education is so important. I'd like to see an actual place where, for instance, RCMP and air force members could come, on a rotating basis. That way, we could get people to work together and provide them with education.
That's a bit of a two-in-one solution that would help address a caregiver's fatigue while supporting veterans with PTSD. My husband has PTSD, and having a place like that would help both of us.