I know that in this area, there's been a lot of talk about the concept that this is misdiagnosed. To be honest, I'm not completely convinced of that because, as I said, mefloquine is often used in a context in which there are exposures to traumas. We look at the diagnosis of PTSD. We have to be able to say that it's not due to the effects of a medication. Certainly in the past that question's not even been asked, so I think there may very well be such cases and that's going to be quite challenging.
The reality is that they're often given at the same time. If we look at the criteria for PTSD—here is the event and things got worse following it—it's going to be very challenging to separate these two things, in my opinion.
I think it's a complex picture, and it's not really necessarily so much one of misdiagnosis but it could very well be one of mefloquine making the psychological reactions to trauma significantly worse. It can be much more complex than just either-or.