It's a little out of my domain in terms of commenting specifically on that. Clearly, one difficulty, though, is that anybody—soldiers or anybody else—who's in a difficult, stressful type of situation is prone to the psychiatric consequences of that. That's part of what makes this situation so difficult, which is that anybody who's put in a stressful situation can have long-term effects from that. Trying to tease out whether some of those effects might be due to medication as opposed to the rest of the situation is always going to be somewhat difficult.
That's why these studies have been done in general, and also in military populations, trying to see whether there's a difference in taking one drug or another drug. Does that make a difference? That's the only way you can decide whether it's the drug.
As best we can tell, with quite big studies, there doesn't seem to be a difference between one drug and another in that particular question, which is the long-term psychiatric effects.