That's a big one, changing the culture.
In the military or where I'm from, the infantry, it's very much, “You gotta get up. You gotta go.” That suck-it-up term is a military term. It's been around since I was young and doing all kinds of stuff. When you fall off the helicopter or whatever and you hurt yourself, you get up and you go.
It's always to help. They say, “Come on. Get up there because we need you up there.” That whole “you don't want to let your buddies down” type of thing is great. You don't want to let your buddies down.
Maybe the term “suck it up” is.... People have to think about what it is they're trying to suck up. If some guy's coming back from war and he has PTSD, he doesn't have a family of thousands of people when he goes to a plant, like in World War II, where everybody there was at war and they could all help each other out. Now you go to a call centre and you sit around at a desk. There's nobody else around who even understands you, or they just think you're the crazy army guy. If you complain about something, they say, “Well, what are you complaining about? You should suck it up.” It's a horrible thing to say to somebody.
To change that culture, I don't know. It's so difficult because I think part of it is almost needed in the military. You have to go on. The big thing here is maybe just to explain that you're always going somewhere to help each other. Instead of saying the words “suck it up“, it could be “Get out there and help out your buddy”, or “Go see a buddy for help”.
I hope that answers it. I don't know if I did a very good job of answering that, but I hope you get my meaning.