In terms of what I'd like to see, I can give you an example of what Veterans Affairs did.
An individual who's part of my organization was in the navy. He suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, to the point where he had to be released. He was very angry when he got out. He was very angry for about two years afterward. A close friend of mine got hold of Veterans Affairs and suggested that they might want to send this guy back to his community. He was in Nova Scotia, but he was an Ojibwa from either Manitoba or northern Ontario. Veterans Affairs paid his way back. They paid for the two weeks he was there. The processes he went through with his elders and the community assisted him in becoming a better person. The healing process for him was significant because of it.
I think that's a very good success story. It's also something that Veterans Affairs Canada should be acknowledged for in going outside the box in for the healing process.