I think what I'm trying to say is that this is not even just about VAC or DND. I speak as an executive director of a social services health field, and I've also done some workshops across Canada about an outcomes-based model, so I speak from the point of view of a cross-section of agencies that were output driven. People don't understand what “output driven” means, or even what “performance driven” is. People think performance means outcomes. There's a lot of confusion about language.
Let me put it in a very simple form. A lot of organizations are based upon.... I hear from Walter, and it's funny: in the report, they said that access had improved immensely in Veterans Affairs. I'm not really sure on that end. I'm just reading reports. What government tends to focus on is the number of participants. What I've heard is that we offer the most services of any NATO country. The question I would ask, as a follow-up to that, is not about how many services you're offering, but about how great those services are that you are offering. That's the point that's always missed.
As for what the focus should be when you talk about a client centre, if I can be indulged just a little, I'd like to talk about my experience at the Mayo Clinic. I was very lucky to be able to experience it, but it relates a bit to PTSD, which is that grey area.
I had some symptoms of inner ear dizziness. It was diagnosed. I also had some other issues, such as flushing of face. They couldn't define what it was. It was a grey area. I went from doctor to doctor. One of them closed the door and said, “You know what, we're going to test you for cancer.” Another one said, “We're going to test you for MS.” In terms of the anxiety, I understand what the veterans are saying when they're waiting. The anxiety level increases even though your diagnosis at the end of the day may not be so great....
At the end I was tested for one thing in a pure scientific test. I was told that I had a carcinoid tumour, for which there is no cure. I was going to be dead. The doctor I went back to with this test said, “It's all in your head.” I thought, how can you make up a science thing and it's all in your head? We tested again, and it turned out that it was negative. He said, “You see, it was all in your head.”
My family doctor at that time said it was disgraceful and that I needed to do one more test to make sure, because I had the symptoms. Luckily, I was able to get to the Mayo Clinic. Let me talk about this experience so that you understand. I think it would be wonderful to be able to put that in the JPSU site going forward.
They asked me what my symptoms were and said they wanted to know because they wanted to know whether or not they could cure me. Well, that was interesting. I mentioned my symptoms and heard back in a couple of days. They said, “All right, Ms. Northey, we don't know if we can cure you, but we will make sure we can manage it so you can work again, and we will do that in three to five days.” I thought, right, I've been going at this for a year and a bit, and they say three to five days, come to our site....
I showed up. When I arrived, I had a team leader who was a doctor. That team leader explained all this through manuals. There was not a lot of software at that time. With the manual, they said, “All right, Ms. Northey, here is a list of all the people you're going to see today and here are the locations, and you just need to show up.” That's what I did on that day. I had appointments booked for me by the team leader, who could be a case manager. They could be called a team leader and they could be called a navigator.
I went to these appointments. My sheet with my information didn't go by software. It got sent through this fancy kind of departmental bullet. The package did not follow me as a patient. I did not carry those files. It went indirectly, but it got to the next appointment. The information was opened up and the doctors read through all the previous notes, so they were not asking the same questions. They were not wasting my time and not wasting their time. It was all written down in terms of further tests that needed to be done.
Once I'd gone through it, the team leader summed it up at the end of the day by saying, “Here's what they have said, here's what's left to be done, here are the results of the tests we have to date, here's tomorrow's schedule, and off you go.” This went on for three days. After about a day and a half I started smiling. I didn't know why. I could still be dying, but the thing is that I started to relax. Somebody was paying attention. Somebody with expertise was managing my process. I found that the symptoms.... Anyway, at the end of the day, they said, “Ms. Northey, your symptoms have actually left.” It ended up that they were right: it was in my head for part of that, because I thought I still had the dizziness. It was because of the anxiety that it was prolonged. He said, “We can give you these drugs to manage it. In two months, though, you're going to be fine.”
In two months, I was fine. In that interim period, however, I struggled with one of the tests and I was quite sick. I put a call in thinking I was going to have a secretary or receptionist. I got the key doctor; he was paged. He was thought to be the best doctor in the Mayo Clinic for this area. He personally called me back and said, “It's okay, we'll see you in the operating room.”
I come back and I look at the homeless situation. I look at people with mental health issues. I hear poor Walter's story, and I hear this from the civilian side. Hospitals are not geared for long-term crisis care. They're geared to the short-term. They're fantastic at doing that, but the resources, including CAMH, don't have the outpatient services to help people with mental health issues. CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy, is being looked at as an alternative to taking a lot of the drugs, which would help resolve the situation of people like Walter.
All that information, all the research, is there. The problem is, it's all in all these different spots all over the place and we don't access it. The Privacy Act comes into play. People do not want to share, so when you send somebody from one organization to another, the first organization doesn't have to share the information with the next one.
Going back to the Mayo Clinic, that was a critical link. Information could be shared from one physician to the other, making a team approach more likely. Drummond, in his Ontario provincial health report, wrote about the doctors being the quarterbacks. We need to create a system where there's a quarterback for every single veteran or soldier leaving. Who's paying what, this is something that should be worked out in the department. It should not be the client's issue to resolve. This way, clients can relax—they know somebody is paying attention, somebody is managing. It's all based on the first conversation, in which they hear your expectations, and they tell you theirs. At the Mayo Clinic, they told me they were going to be able to manage or solve my problem in three to five days.
Just imagine if we were able to offer that kind of service to our veterans and soldiers. All this paperwork would become the department's role. It should not be the client's role to manage the paperwork on top of managing the anxiety surrounding the problem.