I have one knee that 25% of my cartilage was removed from in 1989. The other knee was run over by an MLVW. The rear tire hit it. Also, Veterans Affairs sent me for one of those psychological reassessments. I've been sent for two. At the second one, the psychologist told me that I don't have PTSD but I have really bad anxiety because I'm frustrated that I can't do what I used to be able to do. I can't go out that much.
Veterans Affairs bought me a scooter so I can get out with it. But because of the health conditions I have, I'm just trying to do what I can do. I'm just trying to tell people that they're going to get frustrated at times. They're going to get angry. Yes, I do swear like a sailor. I admit that. But at the same time, I'm just trying to inspire other people because I feel....
When I did talk radio, I did it at co-op radio, it was just down in East Hastings, the poorest postal code in Canada. I used to walk down that street and I'd see people shooting up. I'd see some of the most talented people in the world. They were on the streets. Everyone has a story to share. I saw Canada crumbling right there because we weren't there to help out the people. I've seen the same thing within the veteran community. There's so much that needs to be done. There are so many talented people. They're just looking for an outlet. They're looking for something to bring them out. I'm just trying to inspire people.
I also wanted to add that I've gone through about seven or eight caseworkers because of moving. I've dealt with the Vancouver office and the Hamilton office and now the Toronto office. The way I was treated in the Hamilton office, I felt was probably one of the most appalling ways you could ever treat anyone who served in the Canadian military. What happened? I don't wish to get into it, but I do hope it's changed because an awful lot of us veterans have been treated pretty badly there.
The Toronto office has made up for it. Basically I am very grateful for the caseworker that I was working with, Sonya Wakefield. At the same time, I realize I'm no longer working with a caseworker because I'm on PIA.