Walter, I want to go back to a question or a statement that you made, and maybe Mr. Argue can also comment on this.
Both of you have had many caseworkers. They seem to have changed their attitudes as we've gone through. You mention how your first caseworker was this.
When did we see that fundamental shift? Has that fundamental shift been with all your colleagues also? Maybe I'm reading between the lines, Walter. You said your first caseworker went beyond, maybe bent the rules, maybe stretched the rules. It doesn't seem as though that's happening now. I'm just trying to wrap this around.
Does that statement apply to all caseworkers or just to some in particular, or was there something five years, three years, or two years ago that all of a sudden through your groups—and you would know this through the Internet and so on—that everybody saw a switch overnight with caseworkers and how they dealt with you, or is it just something that's happened to you both individually?